“Delving into the delightfully unexpected, #TSE, RTL-TVI’s captivating educational series whisks you through the wondrous worlds of science, culinary arts, health, wellness, and the pulse of technology, among others. Partnering with RTL Belgium, we’ve breathed life into their most beloved and binge-watched series with our captivating, bespoke animations.
Our canvas is a world brimming with engaging subjects, ranging from science to wellness, and everything in between. At the heart of our mission lies the task of creating captivating animations for RTL-TVI's popular educational series, #TSE. Every detail, from the clear lines of our character designs to the use of dynamic typography, is carefully considered to ensure clear, concise storytelling. Our experts meticulously craft each frame, whether it's a bold 3D text or a lively 2D character coming to life. The goal? To create animations that not only enhance the viewer's understanding but also capture their imagination. Each project is a new adventure, a chance to revisit and reinvent, a joyous dance amidst the fonts and frames. Whether it's the refreshing revamp of a beloved series or a dive into a thrilling new season, our task remains constant: deliver animations that intrigue, inspire, and impress. Step into the world of #TSE and see how we redefine the intersection of education and entertainment.